Sunday, 24 August 2014

World War Z - Max Brooks. Book Review

This book completely exceeded my expectations. I usually do worry when reading a book hyped up to be good and then it turns out it is not, with this book that was not the case. World War Z is a well thought out novel about how humanity would deal with a zombie apocalypse.

The novel is written in the style of a news reporter interviewing different people around the world about their experiences during the zombie war. Reading the different stories about the zombie war made the story about largely the human condition. Max Brooks is trying to get the reader to imagine themselves in a position where it is you who has to kill what was once a person. The use of different ethical dilemmas make this novel more than simply a novel about a war involving humans and zombies killing each other.

Unlike novels focusing on a select number of characters, World War Z is about the human experience and how different people experienced World War Z. It could be described as a documentary about World War Z in book form. I would hugely recommend this book to anyone with an interest in zombies and a like for dystopian novels.

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

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